Census 2010 In Indiana

Census 2020 in the News



Below is a list of articles from national and local media.

  • Where the Racial Makeup of the U.S. Shifted in the Last Decade (The New York Times)

    Nearly every county in the United States became more diverse in the last decade as the nation recorded its first drop in the white population in 2020, according to detailed data on race and ethnicity released by the Census Bureau on Thursday. More than a third of the nation now lives in counties where people of color are a majority.

  • What The New Census Data Can - And Can't - Tell Us About People Living In The U.S. (NPR)

    A new portrait of the racial and ethnic makeup of the U.S. is set to be unveiled Thursday when the Census Bureau releases the largest trove of results from the 2020 count so far. The basic demographic information about how the country's residents self-identify will be used to redraw voting districts, enforce antidiscrimination laws and inform research and policymaking for the next decade.

  • It Only Takes a Few People to Change Your State's Congressional Seats (The New York Times)

    Every 10 years, a state's population determines how many seats it gets in Congress, and sometimes, a small number of people can make a big difference. Here's a look at just how many people it can take to change - or almost change - representation in Washington.

  • Census To Release 1st Results That Shift Electoral College, House Seats (NPR)

    The first set of results from the 2020 census will be released Monday, the U.S. Census Bureau has confirmed. The federal statistical agency's acting director, Ron Jarmin, is expected to report new state population counts to the public at a 3 p.m. ET virtual news conference, and the numbers will also be posted on the bureau's website.

  • Census data delay scrambles plans for state redistricting (AP News)

    Stymied by delayed census data needed for redistricting, some states are considering postponing their 2022 primaries or turning to other population estimates to start the once-a-decade task of redrawing voting districts used for U.S. House and state legislative elections.

  • Federal judge nixes Ohio's push for early redistricting data (AP News)

    A federal judge on Wednesday dismissed a lawsuit filed by the state of Ohio that tried to get the U.S. Census Bureau to provide data used for drawing congressional and legislative districts ahead of its planned release.

  • Time, transparency needed as Biden inherits frazzled census (AP News)

    Battered by criticism that the 2020 census was dangerously politicized by the Trump administration, the U.S. Census Bureau under a new Biden administration has the tall task of restoring confidence in the numbers that will be used to determine funding and political power.

  • Biden Ends Trump Census Policy, Ensuring All Persons Living In U.S. Are Counted (NPR)

    One of President Biden's first executive actions has reversed former President Donald Trump's unprecedented policy of altering a key census count by excluding unauthorized immigrants. The change ensures that the U.S. continues to follow more than two centuries of precedent in determining representation in Congress and the Electoral College.

  • Data snags cause Trump to miss giving Congress census data (AP News)

    The Trump administration missed a deadline for giving Congress numbers used for divvying up congressional seats among the states, and government attorneys said Monday that the figures would not be ready until early March, almost a month later than previously disclosed.

  • Mail Delays Could Hurt The Census, Too (NPR)

    Under pressure from the Trump administration to deliver 2020 census results by the end of this year, the U.S. Census Bureau has set a cutoff date for receiving paper forms for the once-a-decade head count, NPR has learned.

  • Census Bureau Expands Early Door Knocking For Count To 6 More States (NPR)

    The list of places where a masked worker from the Census Bureau may be knocking on front doors later this month is getting longer. On Wednesday, the bureau announced where the next phase of census door knocking is set to start on July 23 for households that have not yet filled out a 2020 census form.

  • US census stirs uncertainty for those displaced by virus (AP News)

    It's not meant to be a trick question, but many filling out their 2020 U.S. census form struggle to answer: How many people were staying at your home on April 1? The pandemic has fostered sudden, unexpected dislocation, making a typically easy question confusing for the newly displaced.

  • Census Bureau site goes live as counting begins in earnest (AP News)

    ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -- The 2020 census is off and running for much of America now. The U.S. Census Bureau made a soft launch of the 2020 census website on Monday, making its form available online. On Thursday, the Census Bureau will begin mailing out notices far and wide.

  • The 2020 Census relies on each household to count every person in America (USA Today)

    In mid-March, homes across the country will begin receiving invitations to complete the 2020 Census. Once the invitation arrives, you should respond for your home in one of three ways: online, by phone, or by mail. The 2020 Census is the latest once-a-decade count undertaken by the United States to determine who lives where so that everyone is represented fairly in government and resources are distributed to communities across the country.

  • All IN / By the Numbers: The 2020 Census (WFYI)

    Every 10 years the census gives us an updated snapshot of the people who make up America, with details about their age, race, gender and income. The federal government uses this data to determine how much funding to give each state, funding used for things like urban planning, rural development and education. But it's not easy to make sure everyone is counted. We talk to census organizers and advocates about what it takes to make it happen, and what's at stake.

  • Project Showcases Local Artists' Work To Promote 2020 Census (WFYI News)

    Indianapolis leaders want every resident counted in the 2020 census, and a project called Count Me Indy showcases local artists' work to promote it. WFYI's Taylor Bennett spoke to one of the selected artists Aaron Scamihorn and Count Me Indy's campaign manager Callie Kennington.

  • Census Bureau Struggles To Add Staff For 2020's Census (National Public Radio)

    The federal government hopes to hire around half a million workers by next spring to complete the 2020 census. But it's running into trouble with low unemployment and background-check delays.

  • Census Bureau Fights To Prevent Spread Of Misinformation (National Public Radio)

    The Census Bureau is asking the public to email them with any rumors they hear about the upcoming 2020 census. The government is trying to stop misinformation about the national count from spreading.

  • Gary Launches 2020 Census Campaign (The Chicago Crusader)

    With Census Day less than eight months away, the City of Gary announced an official countdown to Census 2020. The launch included the release of the city's unifying message to encourage participation among all residents through the simple phrase: Checking Our List and Checking It Twice--Get Counted 2020.

  • Census committee holds first meeting, focusing on counting everyone (Tribune Star)

    Preparation for the 2020 census campaign has begun with the goal of counting all Hoosiers and promoting the census's ease and confidentiality. "You give away more information about yourself on Google when you're searching," Carol Rogers, deputy director of the Indiana Business Research Center and the governor's liaison to the census, told the Indiana Complete Count Committee at its kick-off meeting Monday. "It's easy and it's safe. It's kind of a no-brainer."

  • Evansville census campaign mobilizes to count every person with federal money at stake (Evansville Couier and Press)

    EVANSVILLE -- With millions of dollars at stake, city officials are mobilizing for a large-scale public campaign to squeeze every last completed 2020 census form out of low-income areas and minority enclaves. Coures said committee members -- the local NAACP, HOLA Evansville and black churches, among others -- will engage with constituencies that may not be reached by U.S. Census Bureau advertising, digital marketing and public relations campaigns.

  • Census outreach should focus on hard-to-count populations (NACo)

    The biggest obstacles to a complete count are the different "hard to count" populations that can be found all over the country, even without the question that many, including the Census Bureau itself, projected would suppress response rates, even among Amerian citizens. They are minority groups, children under the age of five, rural residents, urban residents, non-native English speakers and there's no one-size-fits-all formula to reach them.

  • Trump Backs Off Census Citizenship Question Fight (National Public Radio)

    President Trump announced Thursday he would sign an executive order to obtain data about the U.S. citizenship and noncitizenship status of everyone living in the United States. In a Rose Garden ceremony, Trump said he would drop efforts to include a citizenship question on the 2020 census. Instead, his executive order will direct all U.S. agencies to provide the Department of Commerce all information they have on U.S. citizenship, noncitizenship and immigration status.

  • Justice Department Changes Legal Team Behind Census Citizenship Question Case (National Public Radio)

    The Justice Department is asking federal judges to approve a complete turnover in the team of lawyers involved in the ongoing legal battle over the citizenship question the Trump administration wants to add to the 2020 census forms. If the requests are approved by federal judges in New York and Maryland, not a single career Justice Department attorney who has been defending the administration's efforts for months will continue working on the cases.

  • Trump Redoubles Efforts To Include Citizenship Question On 2020 Census (WBUR Radio)

    Here & Now's Lisa Mullins speaks with Emily Bazelon (@emilybazelon), staff writer for the New York Times Magazine and a fellow at Yale Law School, about the latest on President Trump's renewed efforts to include a citizenship question on the 2020 census.

  • Citizen question may be back on 2020 census as Trump administration reverses course again (Los Angeles Times)

    The Trump administration reversed course again on the controversial issue of putting a citizenship question on the 2020 census, as Justice Department lawyers told a federal court Wednesday that they had been "instructed" to try to find a way to add the question, despite statements from the administration on Tuesday that they were giving up the effort.

  • Nearly $18B on the line for Indiana in 2020 census count (Indianapolis Business Journal)

    Nearly $18 billion is on the line for Indiana--roughly $2,710 per person. That's how much in annual federal funding the state receives based on population data from the U.S. Census Bureau. And those population numbers are about to change. The Census is preparing to launch its 2020 count, and the data collected will determine how much the state could receive for the next 10 years. The fewer people counted, the less money allocated to Indiana's 6.7 million residents.

  • Trump Threatens Census Delay After Supreme Court Leaves Citizenship Question Blocked (National Public Radio)

    President Trump says he is looking into delaying the 2020 census, hours after the Supreme Court decided to keep a question about citizenship off the form to be used for the head count. Trump tweeted that he has asked lawyers whether they can "delay the Census, no matter how long, until the United States Supreme Court is given additional information from which it can make a final and decisive decision on this very critical matter."

  • Census Fight Grows as House Panel Backs Contempt and Trump Asserts Privilege (New York Times)

    A House committee voted on Wednesday to recommend that two cabinet secretaries be held in contempt of Congress, hours after President Trump invoked executive privilege to block disclosure of crucial documents on the decision to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census.

  • The Census Bureau is hiring in Jeffersonville. Here's how to get a job (Louisville Journal Courier)

    Kristie Daniels has been hiring people to work at the U.S. Census Bureau's National Processing Center in Jeffersonville, Indiana, since she started her job in September 2018. Daniels, the lead recruiter for the Jeffersonville center, said there are many job vacancies at the NPC -- the hub for all processing of census data nationwide -- that need to be filled in preparation for the 2020 census.

  • States and Cities Need Accurate Census Count (State Net Capitol Journal)

    The 2020 census will impact every state, city and county in the United States. That's because population is a major factor in formulas used by the federal government to dispense $800 billion annually to states and local governments under 300 different programs.

  • Census 2020: How to Count Hard-to-Count Communities (NCL CitiesSpeak)

    The census is one of the most basic functions of our federal system, requiring a count of every person in the United States every ten years. A precise count matters for city leaders because the results provide meaningful data for municipal operations as well as inform the allocation of more than $800 billion dollars of federal funding to state and local governments.

  • How the Census Changed America (The New Yorker)

    The simple act of enumeration created data processing, led to the establishment of the National Archives, and rooted a rootless people.

  • A year before the 2020 census, experts share four key insights (Brookings)

    On April 1, 2019, national experts gathered at Brookings for a joint event with the National League of Cities (NLC) Institute to discuss what the 2020 census means not only for the nation as a whole, but also for the major cities and metropolitan areas on the front lines of America's demographic change.

  • What's new for the 2020 Census? (Washington Post)

    Every 10 years, the U.S. government counts every person living in the country. The nation's founders mandated the decennial census in the Constitution.

  • Indianapolis launches campaign to get every resident counted on the 2020 census (Indianapolis Star)

    Indianapolis leaders on Tuesday launched a campaign to encourage widespread participation in the once-every-decade census. The Count Me INdy program, co-lead by La Plaza President and CEO Miriam Acevedo Davis and Indianapolis Urban League President and CEO Tony Mason, has an aim of reaching city residents who have traditionally not been counted in the census.

  • The Challenge of America's First Online Census (Wired)

    On a frigid morning in Washington, DC, last week, four staffers from the United States Census Bureau stood shoulder to shoulder on a stage, smiling widely as they soaked in the whoops, whistles, and eager applause from the crowd seated before them.

  • Cities Are Bracing for 2020 Census Chaos (CityLab)

    The first federal court decision about the Trump administration's efforts to add a citizenship question to the 2020 U.S. Census did not leave much room for debate.

  • How The 2020 Census Citizenship Question Ended Up In Court (NPR)

    Early in the Trump administration, senior officials discussed bringing back a controversial question topic to the census that the federal government has not asked all households about since 1950: U.S. citizenship status.

  • Judge lets challenge to census citizenship question go forward (Chicago Sun Times)

    A federal judge ruled Tuesday that a legal challenge to the 2020 census can go forward, saying there was an appearance of "bad faith" behind the Trump Administration's disputed decision to add a question about citizenship.

  • A short history of the citizenship question (Indiana Business Review)

    The 2020 census has been in the news recently because of the decision to re-incorporate the so-called “citizenship question” on the short form.

  • The Unpredictable Political Effects of 2020 Census Tinkering (The Atlantic)

    It isn't hard to discern a pattern in the way the Trump administration is planning to conduct the 2020 Census, in the same way that it's not hard to discern the racial animus against Hispanics that undergirds the president's moves on immigration.

  • Time for Another Head Count (The Slate Group)

    Technology could help make sure the 2020 census doesn't miss so many people. The 2010 census found that the U.S. population had reached 308 million people. But it managed to miss a whole lot of others: about 2.1 percent of black Americans and 1.5 percent of Hispanics nationally, together accounting for some 1.5 million people. Young children were among the most undercounted.

  • Keeping politics out of the census is much harder than it sounds (The Conversation)

    Until they're actually confronted with the form that drops through their letterbox once every ten years, most people don't usually give censuses much thought. But as governments gear up for a global round of censuses in 2020, the seemingly uncontroversial act of counting populations is already making the news and provoking heated debate.

  • NAACP sues Trump administration over 2020 census concerns (Washington Examiner)

    The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is suing the Trump administration in an effort to prevent the upcoming census from undercounting African-Americans and other people of color, resulting in inequities in representation and a loss of federal dollars.

  • Editorial: The Trump Administration Sabotages the Census (New York Times)

    In a last-minute move that would give Republicans an advantage in maintaining control of the House of Representatives, the Trump administration is reinstating a question about citizenship to the 2020 census.

  • 2020 Census Will Ask Black People About Their Exact Origins (NPR)

    For the 2020 census, the U.S. Census Bureau is changing how it will ask black people to designate their race. Under the check box for "Black or African American," the bureau is adding a new space on the census questionnaire for participants to write in their non-Hispanic origins.

  • Preparing for the 2020 Census, One Address at a Time (New York Times)

    For the last census, in 2010, the Census Bureau sent 542 questionnaires to addresses on Grand Street on the Lower East Side of Manhattan with the usual instructions to fill out the forms and mail them back. Not a single form was completed and returned, according to an analysis of census data.

  • Budget increase for 2020 census falls short, advocates say (Science)

    President Donald Trump's 2019 budget request gives the U.S. Census Bureau a $2 billion increase to help plan the 2020 census. But advocates say that is still not enough to ensure that there is a fair and accurate head count.

  • Mayors to Census: Don't Blow This (City Lab)

    More than 160 mayors issued a joint letter to Wilbur Ross, the secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce, outlining several deep concerns with the 2020 Census on Wednesday. Their ask was straightforward: Please take it seriously.

  • The Big Data Tech Inside the 2020 Census (Datanami)

    The US Census Bureau is adopting the latest data processing technology to help with its upcoming 2020 Census, including the use of a large Hadoop cluster, real-time stream data processing, and advanced mapping and visualization products.

  • Hostility to Census question is overblown (USA Today)

    By asking the Census Bureau to provide a question on citizenship, the Trump administration is simply trying to get accurate information on the American population.

  • Should 2020 census ask Californians about their citizenship? (San Diego Union-Tribune)

    A request from the Justice Department seeking to ask people about their citizenship in the upcoming 2020 census has drawn attention and criticism in recent days after ProPublica reported on it last week.

  • The Race to Be Census-Ready (Governing.com)

    Every time the U.S. Census is conducted, New York City makes for an especially tough place to count. Its diverse demographic groups typically respond at lower rates than most of the country. The large immigrant population often requires language assistance. And just getting up-to-date addresses for the city's many transient residents is a problem in itself.

  • With 2020 Census Looming, Worries about Fairness and Accuracy (New York Times)

    Census experts and public officials are expressing growing concerns that the bedrock mission of the 2020 census -- an accurate and trustworthy head count of everyone in the United States -- is imperiled, with worrisome implications.

  • Leading Trump Census pick causes alarm (Politico)

    The Trump administration is leaning toward naming Thomas Brunell, a Texas professor with no government experience, to the top operational job at the U.S. Census Bureau, according to two people who have been briefed on the bureau's plans.

  • A High-Stakes Headcount: Philanthropy and the 2020 Census (Inside Philanthropy)

    We're still several years out from 2020, but funders are already preparing for a census that experts believe will be unusually fraught by challenges like underfunding, cyber security threats, partisan sabotage and growing mistrust of government.

  • Here's Why The Census Started Counting Latinos, And How That Could Change In 2020 (WFDD 88.5)

    In this week's episode of the Code Switch podcast, Mora tells the fascinating story of how, in the 1970s, Latino advocacy groups successfully lobbied the federal government to create a separate category for counting Hispanics and Latinos. Before then the government had classified those people simply as white.

  • Save the Census (New York Times)

    An administration uninterested in staffing federal agencies, at war with facts and eager to help Congress cut the budget is further endangering a cornerstone of American democracy: the duty to count all who live here.

  • Could A Census Without A Leader Spell Trouble In 2020? (NPR)

    John Thompson was appointed by President Barack Obama to head the U.S. Census Bureau in 2013 and had worked there for 27 years before running it. So the announcement in May that he was resigning, smack in the middle of a one-year term extension, came as a surprise to many, including census watchers.

  • 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Operation to Begin (U.S. Census Bureau)

    Starting in July, governments around the country will start the process of ensuring the accuracy of their address lists through the 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses operation. LUCA is a voluntary, once-a-decade opportunity for governments to add, correct or delete addresses on the lists and maps used to conduct the decennial census.

  • Why the Census Matters Now More Than Ever (TIME)

    The question of how many men, women and children live within our borders seems an academic one. A factoid, easily answered by the U.S. Census Bureau, which, by constitutional decree, updates its tally every decade using an army of 635,000 "enumerators" who are employed to walk door-to-door, clipboards in hand.

  • Is the census heading for a crisis? (Politico)

    The FBI wasn't the only agency that lost its boss on Tuesday: John Thompson, director of the Census Bureau, abruptly announced he was resigning at the end of June. His surprise exit leaves the bureau not only without a leader in the middle of the run-up to the 2020 census, but also without a permanent deputy director to step in for him -- and no direct supervisor in place at the Department of Commerce, the agency that oversees the Bureau and its massive once-a-decade national survey.

  • Bad News for Everyone! The 2020 Census Is Already in Trouble (Wired)

    Given the sudden canning of FBI head James Comey on Tuesday, don't feel bad if you didn't hear that US Census Bureau director John H. Thompson announced his resignation the same day. And given that the Comey situation may plunge American politics into a 21st century Watergate, you probably don't care, either. Well, you should.

  • Census director resigns as 2020 tally looms (PBS NewsHour)

    The director of the people-counting Census Bureau is leaving his job just as the agency steps up its once-a-decade tally, the Commerce Department said Tuesday.

  • Why Did the U.S. Census Director Resign? (The Atlantic)

    The Department of Commerce announced on Tuesday that Census Bureau Director John H. Thompson will step down at the end of June, creating the possibility of a leadership void at the bureau in the run-up to undertaking the 2020 Census.

  • Census 2020: Dispute over LGBT questions is really about federal spending (Fox News)

    The U.S. Constitution requires a census be taken every ten years. And while the Founders may have had great foresight, it's doubtful they saw this simple command -- mostly to determine representation in Congress -- would become mired in controversy over sexual politics.

  • Run-Up To Census 2020 Raises Concerns Over Security And Politics (NPR)

    About three years from now, the U.S. government is going to start asking some personal questions. The possible topics of those questions were released on Tuesday as part of the run-up to the 2020 Census, the national head count of every resident in the U.S. required by the Constitution every 10 years.

  • Census must reduce diversity to a few checkoffs (Federal News Radio)

    If good decision-making depends on good data, then a lot depends on exactly what data you gather and look at. Data generated by the Census Bureau affects congressional apportionment and where hundreds of billions of federal dollars go every year.

  • Sweeping design changes for 2020 U.S. Census (Directions Magazine)

    The 2020 Census includes sweeping design changes in four key innovation areas: using new methodologies to conduct address canvassing, optimizing self-response, reducing the nonresponse follow-up workload by incorporating administrative records and third-party data, and implementing technology to replace tasks traditionally conducted by humans.

  • Census Bureau launches device-as-a-service procurement for 2020 (FedScoop)

    The Census Bureau began its search Tuesday for a telecommunications vendor to supply the smartphones and mobile services necessary for door-to-door field operations during the 2020 decennial census, the director of the bureau said.

  • Y&R Wins A Big One: $415 Million Census 2020 Contract (MediaPost)

    Early Wednesday morning during a first half financial review with analysts, WPP CEO Martin Sorrell bemoaned the recent loss of two major accounts--Volkswagen and AT&T. His day ended much better with word that Young & Rubicam, one of the holding company's global agency networks was awarded an integrated communication contract for the 2020 Census.

  • Putting Census 2020 to the Test (Fedscoop)

    The mobile transformation of data-gathering for the 2020 census could mark a turning point for the federal government, if it's done right.

  • Agreement puts Census Bureau back on track for planning 2020 headcount (Science)

    The omnibus spending agreement erases deep cuts made earlier this year to the U.S. Census Bureau that would have crippled planning for the 2020 census. The new funding level gives the agency, part of the Department of Commerce, a much better chance of conducting a less expensive and less burdensome decennial census.

  • Is the 2020 Census already in trouble? (Politico)

    The U.S. Census is one of the undisputed achievements of government, a 225-year tradition enshrined in the Constitution that draws America a fresh picture of itself every decade. But the last Census was a technical disaster, wasting $3 billion on new technology that never worked, and which the Census Bureau ended up scrapping entirely.

  • Census 2010 Participation Rates (Indiana Business Review)

    Given that high mail participation rates are correlated with more accurate data and lower costs, it is good to note that Indiana had one of the highest mail participation rates in the nation and many areas saw improvement relative to Census 2000.

  • Where the Racial Makeup of the U.S. Shifted in the Last Decade (The New York Times)

    Nearly every county in the United States became more diverse in the last decade as the nation recorded its first drop in the white population in 2020, according to detailed data on race and ethnicity released by the Census Bureau on Thursday. More than a third of the nation now lives in counties where people of color are a majority.