Census 2010 In Indiana

Money: Why the Census Matters to Indiana

Congress uses census data to allocate funds under various federal grant programs to state governments. Many state-funded grant programs also rely on census data. Because the annual population estimates use the decennial census counts as a base, if a community's population is undercounted in the decennial census, these funds get misallocated for an entire decade.

What is a person worth?

The federal govenment relied on Census data to provide over $17.9 billion in funding to Indiana for fiscal year 2016 from the 55 largest federal spending programs. Although each program's funding formula is complex (and in most cases unique), Indiana's $17.9 billion in funding roughly equates to $2,710 per person each year.

For more details, see the Indiana Fact Sheet and the Counting for Dollars project page at the George Washington Institute of Public Policy.

State-level funding

Of course, federal funding is just part of the picture. Many state agencies distribute funds to local areas based on local population counts:

  • Gaming revenue
  • Cigarette tax fund
  • Excise tax revenue
  • Local road and street accounts
  • Rural development fund
  • Motor vehicle highway account fund
  • Distribution of money from the Indiana library and historical board to eligible public library districts
  • Evaluation of enterprise zone applications
  • Establishing priorities for community residential facilities
  • Issuance of permits by the alcohol and tobacco commission

Additional information

George Washington Institute of Public Policy

U.S. General Accounting Office

Indiana Laws